Sunday, July 01, 2007

Marketing the "church"

Philip Kenneson has written a marvelous book, _Life on the Vine_, and he has challenged me to think of the church in these terms. Imagine a congregation that refuses to market itself according to the current norms but that makes itself available under the web radar with the following statement:

We have no central personality directing our affairs in the capacity of a CEO-style, full-time "pastor." What we represent is a community of faith that (a) models these characteristics and (b) helps others, by example and patient teaching, to exemplify them as well. If you visit us, you can expect to see personified in our members and our community love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.

You, as our guest, have the right and the responsibility to judge us against that standard; and if you elect to invest your life and that of your family in our community, we commit to you that we will love you deeply as we love ourselves and our Lord, and we will exert ourselves under Christ's guidance to help you develop those same virtues as a follower of Jesus.

As opposed to:

We have a campus valued at more than $20 million; a Senior Pastor who has written X books and who teaches dynamically and relevantly from the Word; and a wide variety of programs and initiatives for young and old alike to serve your needs.

Which community wins your allegiance?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

qb -
I long for the first description you provide. If this were an invitation, I'd say "SIGN ME UP". I am much more interested in grinding out life next to my brother as opposed to "seeking the direction of the CEO before moving". GO!